Sunday, November 20, 2011

Up to their necks in necks...

These days, when Steve Howe plays his Variax guitar on that fixed stand, it always looks kind of awkward to me...

... but I guess the double-neck guitars don't have the tonal range he's looking for? He used to play one, back in the day:

As did these guys:

And even this guy:

And then, when the bass players get into the act:

You can even get a double-team double-neck:

But why stop at just two? Chris Squire has this monstrosity:

But this just looks like a carpal tunnel case study waiting to happen:

This looks Tricky to play, and probably wasn't Cheap to build:

Let's see... 12-string, 6-string, 5-string bass, 4-string bass, 7-string, and just for good measure, another 6-string?... At least this guy rests it on the ground, to save his own neck, I'd guess?

This guy actually asked for a custom 12-string, but the guitar builder messed up... I suppose he could tune each neck to a different open chord; C, C#, D, D#, etc., and never have to learn a bunch of different positions:

Hmm. Maybe that Variax on a stand that Steve Howe uses doesn't look so awkward after all...